Dr NasirPhysiotherapy and Rehabilation

What is Brachial Plexus?

What is Brachial Plexus?

Brachial Plexus Injury?Erb’s palsy ?  Dejerine-Klumpke palsy ? |

 Physiotherapy  Paralysis

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What are the different types of Brachial Plexus injury?

The different types of brachial plexus injury are-

Risk factors

The risk factors include-

What are the other common injuries associated with Brachial Plexus injury?

The other common injuries are- Humours Fracture/shoulder fracture.

Erb’s Palsy

Klumpke’s Palsy

Can Brachial Plexus injury be managed through Physiotherapy?

Yes, brachial plexus can be managed through Physiotherapy, the physiotherapy management includes-


DNPR has a complete team of expert neuro rehab specialists who use proper techniques such as splinting, stabilization of the joint, kinesiology taping, electrical stimulations, bio feedback, assisted and active exercises, gripping exercises to help improve the outcomes of bracial plexus injury.
An injury to the nerve root cannot be permanently managed but yes its outcomes can be, we at DNPR work on the same we provide assured guaranteed recovery from the clinical outcomes of the injury.


What is Brachial Plexus?







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