Rickets treatment with Physiotherapy
Rickets treatment with Physiotherapy
Rickets treatment with Physiotherapy, Rickets is a disease that mostly occurs in children.
It mostly occurs in 6 months to 3 yrs of children in which bone is soft and weak due to vitamin-D deficiency in the body.
is the most important role in our body it absorbs calcium and phosphate from the intestine when vitamin -D deficiency occurs body release hormone, to release calcium and phosphate in bones that bone so weak and soft.
Calcium and phosphate are most important to growing healthy bones and teeth.
It occurs in malnutrition
It occurs when vitamin -D deficiency in food
Not exposure to sunlight
It is also the genetic reason
Dark skin people are rick to rickets because dark skin does not absorb sunlight.
Symptoms –
Pain or tenderness is present when the physician lightly presses the bone
Due to bone weakness occur deformity – e.g knock knee, bow leg
Abnormal spine curvature
Forehead size increase
The appearance of breast bone and ribs
Wrist and ankle joints increase in size
Small growth/height does not increase
Bone fracture
Abnormal teeth formation
Muscles weakness and cramps is occurring
Diagnosis –
Physical examination:-
- The physician performs the test and examines the bone shape and structure by lightly pressing the bone to check bone weakness and tenderness.
Blood test:-
To check the level of calcium and phosphate in the blood.
To check the calcium in the bone and the shape and alignment of the bone.
In rare cases remove the bone small part to analyze.
Treatment –
Good and healthy diet, increase the intake of egg, milk, fish, cheese, etc.
Increase the exposure to sunlight
Medicine –
The doctor prescribed the vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate supplements
Use the braces to support the growing bones
When deformity of the bone is corrected by exercise and muscle strengthening. e.g-knock knee, Bow leg, Spine curvature correct.
Rickets treatment with Physiotherapy
at DNPR we have expert physiotherapists for Rickets treatment
We Provide Physiotherapists at home,
Also, We have 7+ Physiotherapy centers in Delhi
Call +91-9891878108 or Submit your query
Our centers are given below.
Mata Roop Rani Maggo Hospital-Uttam Nagar
Medi Max Health Care Vikas Nagar Delhi
Samar Hospital Dwarka, Goyla Dairy,Qutub Vihar, Delhi
Call us on +91-9891878108
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