Trigger Finger Treatment Near me
Trigger Finger Treatment Near me
we are going to discuss Trigger Finger Treatment Near me
Trigger finger also known as stenosing tenosynovitis is a painful condition characterized by the locking of the digits fully or partially in a flexion position. It can affect any digit but it is mostly found in the thumb and ring finger.
- Locking of the finger or thumb
- Swelling or lump on the palmar side
- Pain and stiffness around MCP joint while movement
- Snapping or popping sound during movement
Trigger finger is an idiopathic condition ( the exact cause is not known ) but it is often associated with inflammation of the tendon caused due to repeated hand movement or forceful use of the hand resulting in nodes formation which prevents the tendon from passing through the sheath, as a result, the digit remains in the flexion position.
Risk factor
- People above the age of 50
- The occupation that requires repetitive hand movement
- Associated with certain health conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.
- Females are more likely to get trigger finger
- Observation – the therapist looks for locking of digits, limited range of motion, and swelling around the MCP joint.
- Palpation – the therapist palpates the palmar side of the MCP joint and looks for nodules that might block the A1 pulley and prevent the extension of the digits.
- Fist closure test – In this test the patient is asked to make a fist and then open it 10 times if the finger locks during the movement the test is considered positive.
- Rest – can prevent the condition from worsening and promote healing.
- Splinter – wearing a splinter limits movement and prevents the condition from worsening.
- Ultrasound – uses high-frequency sound waves to generate heat that helps reduce pain and soreness, and improve local circulation.
- Hot and cold compression – cold compression can help reduce inflammation and hot compression helps increase circulation, reduce stiffness and pain
- Stretching – gentle stretching can help reduce stiffness and help improve the range of motion.
- Finger stretch
- Palmar press
- Finger opener
- Towel grasp
- Finger abduction and adduction
If you are searching for Trigger Finger Treatment Near me then your search is over here. Call Dr. Nasir on +91-9891878108, cervical physiotherapy near me, Physiotherapy for Home Visit, Physiotherapy for neck pain, Physiotherapy for Back Pain, Physiotherapy clinic near me, Physiotherapist for home visit near me, Physiotherapy clinic near me, Physiotherapy center near me then your search is over here. Call us on +91-9891878108
Our centers are given below.
U.K Nursing Home- Vikaspuri
Jyoti Nursing Home-Vikaspuri
Mata Roop Rani Maggo Hospital-Uttam Nagar
Medi Max Health Care Vikas Nagar Delhi
Samar Hospital Dwarka, Goyla Dairy,Qutub Vihar, Delhi
Amarleela Hospital-Janakpuri
Raman Orthocare
Call us on +91-9891878108
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